554 research outputs found

    Quantification of the variation in percentage identity for protein sequence alignments

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    BACKGROUND: Percentage Identity (PID) is frequently quoted in discussion of sequence alignments since it appears simple and easy to understand. However, although there are several different ways to calculate percentage identity and each may yield a different result for the same alignment, the method of calculation is rarely reported. Accordingly, quantification of the variation in PID caused by the different calculations would help in interpreting PID values in the literature. In this study, the variation in PID was quantified systematically on a reference set of 1028 alignments generated by comparison of the protein three-dimensional structures. Since the alignment algorithm may also affect the range of PID, this study also considered the effect of algorithm, and the combination of algorithm and PID method. RESULTS: The maximum variation in PID due to the calculation method was 11.5% while the effect of alignment algorithm on PID was up to 14.6% across three popular alignment methods. The combined effect of alignment algorithm and PID calculation gave a variation of up to 22% on the test data, with an average of 5.3% ± 2.8% for sequence pairs with < 30% identity. In order to see which PID method was most highly correlated with structural similarity, four different PID calculations were compared to similarity scores (Sc) from the comparison of the corresponding protein three-dimensional structures. The highest correlation coefficient for a PID calculation was 0.80. In contrast, the more sophisticated Z-score calculated by reference to randomized sequences gave a correlation coefficient of 0.84. CONCLUSION: Although it is well known amongst expert sequence analysts that PID is a poor score for discriminating between protein sequences, the apparent simplicity of the percentage identity score encourages its widespread use in establishing cutoffs for structural similarity. This paper illustrates that not only is PID a poor measure of sequence similarity when compared to the Z-score, but that there is also a large uncertainty in reported PID values. Since better alternatives to PID exist to quantify sequence similarity, these should be quoted where possible in preference to PID. The findings presented here should prove helpful to those new to sequence analysis, and in warning those who seek to interpret the value of a PID reported in the literature

    Proteotoxic stress reprograms the chromatin landscape of SUMO modification

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    Cleaved end-face quality of microstructured polymer optical fibres

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    The cutting of a microstructured polymer optical fibre to form an optical end-face is studied. The effect of the temperature and speed of the cutting blade on the end-face is qualitatively assessed and it is found that for fibres at temperatures in the range 70–90 C, a blade at a similar temperature moving at a speed of less than 0.5 mm/s produces a good quality end-face. The nature of the damage caused by the cutting process was examined and found to vary with fibre temperature, blade quality and cut depth. Thermo-mechanical analysis showed that the drawn material was significantly more visco-elastic than the annealed raw material in the 70-90 C temperature range. The behaviour of the surface damage with cut depth was found to be consistent with the behaviour of a visco-elastic material

    GOtcha: a new method for prediction of protein function assessed by the annotation of seven genomes

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    BACKGROUND: The function of a novel gene product is typically predicted by transitive assignment of annotation from similar sequences. We describe a novel method, GOtcha, for predicting gene product function by annotation with Gene Ontology (GO) terms. GOtcha predicts GO term associations with term-specific probability (P-score) measures of confidence. Term-specific probabilities are a novel feature of GOtcha and allow the identification of conflicts or uncertainty in annotation. RESULTS: The GOtcha method was applied to the recently sequenced genome for Plasmodium falciparum and six other genomes. GOtcha was compared quantitatively for retrieval of assigned GO terms against direct transitive assignment from the highest scoring annotated BLAST search hit (TOPBLAST). GOtcha exploits information deep into the 'twilight zone' of similarity search matches, making use of much information that is otherwise discarded by more simplistic approaches. At a P-score cutoff of 50%, GOtcha provided 60% better recovery of annotation terms and 20% higher selectivity than annotation with TOPBLAST at an E-value cutoff of 10(-4). CONCLUSIONS: The GOtcha method is a useful tool for genome annotators. It has identified both errors and omissions in the original Plasmodium falciparum annotation and is being adopted by many other genome sequencing projects

    JABAWS 2.2 Distributed Web Services for Bioinformatics:Protein Disorder, Conservation and RNA Secondary Structure

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    Abstract Summary JABAWS 2.2 is a computational framework that simplifies the deployment of web services for Bioinformatics. In addition to the five multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithms in JABAWS 1.0, JABAWS 2.2 includes three additional MSA programs (Clustal Omega, MSAprobs, GLprobs), four protein disorder prediction methods (DisEMBL, IUPred, Ronn, GlobPlot), 18 measures of protein conservation as implemented in AACon, and RNA secondary structure prediction by the RNAalifold program. JABAWS 2.2 can be deployed on a variety of in-house or hosted systems. JABAWS 2.2 web services may be accessed from the Jalview multiple sequence analysis workbench (Version 2.8 and later), as well as directly via the JABAWS command line interface (CLI) client. JABAWS 2.2 can be deployed on a local virtual server as a Virtual Appliance (VA) or simply as a Web Application Archive (WAR) for private use. Improvements in JABAWS 2.2 also include simplified installation and a range of utility tools for usage statistics collection, and web services querying and monitoring. The JABAWS CLI client has been updated to support all the new services and allow integration of JABAWS 2.2 services into conventional scripts. A public JABAWS 2 server has been in production since December 2011 and served over 800 000 analyses for users worldwide. Availability and implementation JABAWS 2.2 is made freely available under the Apache 2 license and can be obtained from: http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws. </jats:sec

    SNAPPI-DB: a database and API of Structures, iNterfaces and Alignments for Protein–Protein Interactions

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    SNAPPI-DB, a high performance database of Structures, iNterfaces and Alignments of Protein–Protein Interactions, and its associated Java Application Programming Interface (API) is described. SNAPPI-DB contains structural data, down to the level of atom co-ordinates, for each structure in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) together with associated data including SCOP, CATH, Pfam, SWISSPROT, InterPro, GO terms, Protein Quaternary Structures (PQS) and secondary structure information. Domain–domain interactions are stored for multiple domain definitions and are classified by their Superfamily/Family pair and interaction interface. Each set of classified domain–domain interactions has an associated multiple structure alignment for each partner. The API facilitates data access via PDB entries, domains and domain–domain interactions. Rapid development, fast database access and the ability to perform advanced queries without the requirement for complex SQL statements are provided via an object oriented database and the Java Data Objects (JDO) API. SNAPPI-DB contains many features which are not available in other databases of structural protein–protein interactions. It has been applied in three studies on the properties of protein–protein interactions and is currently being employed to train a protein–protein interaction predictor and a functional residue predictor. The database, API and manual are available for download at:

    AlmostSignificant:simplifying quality control of high-throughput sequencing data

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    Motivation: The current generation of DNA sequencing technologies produce a large amount of data quickly. All of these data need to pass some form of quality control (QC) processing and checking before they can be used for any analysis. The large number of samples that are run through Illumina sequencing machines makes the process of QC an onerous and time-consuming task that requires multiple pieces of information from several sources. Results: AlmostSignificant is an open-source platform for aggregating multiple sources of quality metrics as well as run and sample meta-data associated with DNA sequencing runs from Illumina sequencing machines. AlmostSignificant is a graphical platform to streamline the QC of DNA sequencing data, to store these data for future reference together with extra meta-data associated with the sequencing runs not typically retained. This simplifies the challenge of monitoring the volume of data produced by Illumina sequencers. AlmostSignificant has been used to track the quality of over 80 sequencing runs covering over 2500 samples produced over the last three years. Availability and Implementation: The code and documentation for AlmostSignificant is freely available at https://github.com/bartongroup/AlmostSignificant. Contacts: [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    A unified analysis of evolutionary and population constraint in protein domains highlights structural features and pathogenic sites

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    Protein evolution is constrained by structure and function, creating patterns in residue conservation that are routinely exploited to predict structure and other features. Similar constraints should affect variation across individuals, but it is only with the growth of human population sequencing that this has been tested at scale. Now, human population constraint has established applications in pathogenicity prediction, but it has not yet been explored for structural inference. Here, we map 2.4 million population variants to 5885 protein families and quantify residue-level constraint with a new Missense Enrichment Score (MES). Analysis of 61,214 structures from the PDB spanning 3661 families shows that missense depleted sites are enriched in buried residues or those involved in small-molecule or protein binding. MES is complementary to evolutionary conservation and a combined analysis allows a new classification of residues according to a conservation plane. This approach finds functional residues that are evolutionarily diverse, which can be related to specificity, as well as family-wide conserved sites that are critical for folding or function. We also find a possible contrast between lethal and non-lethal pathogenic sites, and a surprising clinical variant hot spot at a subset of missense enriched positions
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